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What is AI-assisted grant writing?

Grantable is the leading AI-powered grant writing assistant that utilizes your previous proposals to craft new submissions. Each piece of work enriches a dynamic content library that automatically updates and improves with every use.

Getting started is easy

Create an account

Sign up with an email

Upload writing samples

Add recent grant proposals

Start using AI

Ask AI for help to draft new content

How we stand out

We strive to be a meaningful difference maker

Authentic voice

Grantable uses your content as source material so you always sound like you

Secure platform

Grantable systems are SOC Type 2 compliant. This is an important security policy when handling sensitive customer data.

Private data

Grantable never uses your content to train AI


Grantable is a game-changer for grant writers. It's like having a trusty assistant who not only streamlines the process but also gives you back precious hours to focus on what truly matters – creating a meaningful impact. At Grantsimple, we identify, write, and manage hundreds of grants each year. I have tried every other AI grant tool that's currently available and Grantable far exceeds the rest.

Kristen Visser
CEO, Grantsimple

"Grantable Agency"

Grantable Agency has been an absolute game changer. I am able to quickly generate high-quality proposals that stand out to funders. The platform's user-friendly interface and personalized support from their team makes the entire process seamless. Thanks to Grantable Agency, my company has been awarded numerous grants and have expanded our impact with multiple clients internationally. I highly recommend Grantable to anyone in need of grant writing assistance.

Brian Meagher

Owner, BKM and Co.

Key features

Here's how we make grant-seeking a breeze

Smart library

Keep all your content organized and referencable

Content search

Instantly search across all the documents in your account

Recommended sources

AI helps you select content to reuse when drafting

Draft and revise with AI

Use AI assistance to instantly draft and revise writing

Quick reference material

Insert frequently used data and phrases

Simple document navigation

Automatically generated document navigation

Take our free AI grant writing course

A self-guided open course on the fundamentals of AI and grant-seeking
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